Online web video is growing at a rapid rate, not only due to sights like YouTube which according to comScore, 99% of all videos viewed in the month of April 2009 was due to this medium. It seems everyone is switching off their TVs and seeing online video as there new medium to watch what they want, when they want to watch it. So what does this mean for the video marketer, the streaming entrepreneur, well lets look at some more stats. Out of the 36.8 million Internet users in the UK in 2009 35.4 million were exposed to some form of display advertising.

This was in the form of, banners, sky scrapers, rich media, & video ads. Marketers, corporate companies are starting to realize the power of video marketing, in terms of being able to build relationships with your customers. Out with the old in with new, no more stale bland marketing people want to interact when they make there purchasing decisions.

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Every kind of business you can think of is going to start incorporating video into there marketing strategy and for those of us who know how to use online video to influence our customers buying choices, there is going to be a flood of business coming our way. Which means tons of money also, so if you are into video marketing don't just stick to our industry, there is a whole world of business out there waiting for you.

Company's have paid up to £35,000/$56,251.63 for video campaigns, that's ridiculous... I know company's charging around £3000/$4,822.91 for a web video and the quality is great. There's a big difference between creating a video, and creating a video that sells. In the UK alone, according to comScore, the number of videos viewed online grew 47% from last year, that's 4.7 billion videos being watched and that's just the month of April.

The report also found 21.8 million U.K. Internet users viewed a total of 971 million online display ads on multimedia sites during the month of April also. As you can see these figures are not small, and there not slowing down either. I mean online viewing is getting more airtime than the likes of the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, this is where online video is heading and it has not even started yet, online web video is still in its infancy.

So if your not shy of the camera and want to start boosting profits, then online web video could help you big time in your efforts if done correctly.