Looking for a faucet for your bathroom? Bathrooms are no more tucked in a corner but a place that holds centre stage in your life.

Now you do not have to choose between looks and functionality. Faucets are now high on aesthetics but that does not mean that you should not be looking for functionality.

On design front, you should be checking out smart mirror bathroom whether the design is sleek and compatible to all kind of basins. The faucet design is integral to the look of your bathroom and next generation design is required to take your bathroom to the next level. The design should be minimalistic without compromising on the ability to hold the centre stage. Even in the premium range you can look for faucets which have been designed by well-known designers and have won awards accolades.

Smooth edges, straight lines and flawless execution of design are what you should be looking for.

On features front, many innovative features have been introduced in the market.