How to Sober Up Fast From Drugs

Discover tips on how to sober up fast that actually work. Learn how to get sober quickly and safely and stay that way.

  1. To start, drinking water for hydration can be a good opening to help dilute alcohol intake.
  2. Likewise, eating while drinking, that is having food in your digestive tract can help slow down alcohol absorption. Which can hinder alcohol’s intoxication effect.
  3. Foods high in fats, carbs, and protein can help slow gastric emptying which will lower the absorption of alcohol.
  4. Exercise, even walking, or better yet, some cardio-based activities can get your blood moving through the liver’s detox process faster.
  5. Lastly, the love hormone, oxytocin has been reported to help retain motor and brain function more quickly after alcohol consumption. So a warm, loving, and happy state can help you feel better emotionally and also in terms of countering the negative effects of alcohol.

The above practical and smart how to sober up faster tips are a start on how to become sober for good for anyone suffering from alcoholism.