후쿠오카 세계수영선수권대회 남자 자유형 200m에서 동메달을 획득한 황선우가 2일 오전 서울 송파구 올림픽파크텔에서 열린 ‘대한수영연맹 수영 국가대표팀 미디어데이’ 인터뷰를 하고 있다. 2023.8.2/뉴스1

Hwang Sun-woo, who won a bronze medal in the men's 200m freestyle at the Fukuoka World Aquatics Championships, gives an interview during the 'Korea Swimming Federation National Team Media Day' at the Olympic Parktel in Songpa-gu, Seoul, South Korea, on Tuesday morning.

National swimmer Hwang Sun-woo (Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province), who was accused of hitting a pedestrian while driving and fleeing the scene, released a statement through his agency. "There was no fleeing behavior. 스포츠토토 I deeply regret my carelessness."

The Jincheon Police Department in Chungcheongbuk-do said on Thursday morning that it was investigating Hwang after he hit a pedestrian crossing the street while driving his car and fled the scene without providing any relief.

According to police, Hwang is suspected of hitting an elderly man in his 80s with his car on the access road to the Jincheon National Athletes' Village in Gwanghyewon-myeon, Jincheon-gun, at around 7:35 p.m. on March 13 and fleeing the scene.

Immediately after the accident, Hwang, who was staying at the athletes' village, met with A, who suffered minor abrasions and other injuries, along with his parents, to apologize and reportedly reach a settlement.

Hwang's agency, All That Sports, said that the athlete was unaware of the accident, saying, "While returning to the Jincheon Athletes' Village by car, Hwang noticed a passerby who was not in a crosswalk and drove around him." The agency added, "The athlete was not aware of the accident.

"He stopped at the welcome center in front of the athletes' village and tried to recheck the scene, but there were no passersby or objects around at the time, so he moved into the athletes' village," he claimed.

Hwang Sun-woo explained that he returned to the scene of the accident after noticing the gap in his side view mirror, adding, "There was no fraudulent behavior such as drunk driving or trying to escape after the accident, 토토 and the athlete himself is deeply remorseful for what happened due to his carelessness."

The Korean Swimming Federation issued a similar statement the same day.

"Although there were shortcomings in the immediate follow-up and response as Hwang Sun-woo had only been driving for a few months, there was no foul play," the KFA said.

"Although the police investigation is still ongoing, according to the Korean Sports Federation's national team selection and operation regulations, this incident does not fall under any of the reasons for disqualification (such as drunk driving, gambling, violence and human rights violations), so Hwang Sun-woo will not be disqualified from the national team," the statement added.

"However, we are fully aware of the seriousness of the situation and feel a moral responsibility, 토토사이트 so we will further strengthen our athlete management system."