Internet crimes, also called cybercrimes, are offenses that are computer-oriented and involve the network, the internet, and therefore the computer. The computer may have been utilized to commit an offense or it could be used as a target through hacking methods. Internet crimes are mentioned as, “crimes that are committed on people or individuals with the motive to intentionally harm the victim’s reputation or cause mental and physical harm to the victim through the utilization of telecommunication networks. In a case where an individual is accused of a cybercrime, the defendant would need the assistance of an internet crimes defense lawyer to assist him or her in handling the justice system

Cybercrime not only affects individuals or a few people but can also threaten the nation’s security and financial status. Issues associated with these crimes are high-profile, especially cases that are associated with the infringement of copyright, hacking, extortion, unwarranted mass surveillance, child grooming, and child pornography.

Cybercrime also deals with privacy concerns when certain confidential information is either disclosed or intercepted. Non-state and probable government “online spies” engage in internet crimes like financial theft, espionage, and cross-border crimes. Cybercrimes that cross international boundaries, that involve the actions of a nation are mentioned as cyberwarfare.

Some of the most Common Cyber Crimes

Most internet crimes rarely make it to the news headlines. Most people know that downloading movies, images, or music without the proper consent of the owner is against the law. However, multiple online activities can land an individual behind bars. Defendants within these cases must work with an internet crimes defense lawyer who is knowledgeable in the cybercrime field. People across the world can use the internet to carry out multiple crimes. Below is the list of the most common cybercrimes and the penalties that accompany each deed.

Spoofing and Phishing

This crime involves illegally accessing a computer network and sending emails intended to deceive recipients. It can also mean falsifying the header information of any email message. An example of this crime can be a spam email that has the intent of deceiving the receiver. If the practice is completed for commercial gain, the case can cause a five-year jail sentence. In other related cases, spammers can be sentenced to 3 years in prison.

Extortion and Blackmail

Blackmailing or extorting a person or group of people may be a crime in itself. It becomes a cybercrime if the perpetrator uses the World Wide Web to threaten someone, with the intent of extorting an individual from money or anything that has value. An example of this crime can be a hacker threatening the victim with the exposure of embarrassing information, photos, or videos if he or she doesn't pay. The penalty can range up to 5 years. This will be prevented by using anti-virus software and avoiding any weird or unfamiliar links online.

Copyright Infringement

Copyright Infringement is intentionally infringing copyright for some monetary gains. It can also be involved in distributing someone else’s work on the internet. One example of an internet crime is illegally downloading a movie, distributing it, and selling it. The punishment for infringement of copyright isn't only jail time but the perpetrator is crossing the edge of possible federal criminal liability. Sharing copies with a minimum of $2500 retail value can trigger a sentence of up to 5 years. Leaking information or distributing a piece that is being prepared for commercial distribution carries a sentence of three years may be able to which can double if the perpetrator is a repeat offender.

Illegally Accessing Electronic Communications’ Facility

The nature of the crime involves having the intent of accessing a system that gives service for electric communication. One example of this crime is hacking the email address of another person. Hacking an email account due to malicious intent, to take advantage, and other fraudulent crimes may carry up to 5 years in jail even for first-time offenders. Hacking an email address alone features a maximum of up to at least one year in jail.

Cybercrimes are complicated and a few people may have already been committing offenses without knowing it. If any troubles arise, it's best to work with an internet crimes defense lawyer. Working with a specialist in criminal defense will give you a better chance at legal procedures.

Benari Law Group has decades of hands-on experience and a multipronged approach to using proven defense methods and tactics to help defendants. Benari Law Group is dedicated to upholding the 6th Amendment and providing the defendant with the right to competent counsel. At Benari Law Group, excellence is our only standard. We, the Benari Law Group firm give personalized attention to our clients. You’ll also have direct access to your attorney.  You can contact Benari Law Group at 610-566-1006, through their website:, or visit them at 142 Market St, West Chester, PA 19382.