

Menopause, like PMS, puberty, pregnancy, and post-partum are all different, yet entirely natural phases of a woman's life. Rather than being seen as the end of womanhood, menopause should be embraced and celebrated in much the same way other rites of passage are. Indeed, perimenopause (the roughly 15 years from 35 to 50 when female hormones increasingly start to fluctuate), and menopause (that is one full year without menses), are transitions in every woman's life, and though perimenopause and menopause may cause uncomfortable symptoms in some women, others report few to no symptoms at all.

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Menopause Menopause, like PMS, puberty, pregnancy, and post-partum are all different, yet entirely natural phases of a woman's life. Rather than being seen as the end of womanhood, menopause should be embraced and celebrated in much the same way other rites of passage are. Indeed, perimenopause (the roughly 15 years from 35 to 50 when female hormones increasingly start to fluctuate), and menopause (that is one full year without menses), are transitions in every woman's life, and though perimenopause and menopause may cause uncomfortable symptoms in some women, others report few to no symptoms at all. Visit -
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