Janam Kundli is a birth chart that shows the planetary position at the time of a person's birth. On the basis of this chart, the entire path to a person's life is covered. It is very much a prediction of human life. This astrological chart is the first thing every newborn is gifted with. In Hinduism, it is mandatory for everyone to have a kundli or birth chart. Based on this Kundli, we can easily find out how the child will fare in his life. We can also plan ahead to ensure how to deal with certain uncertainties of life.
How important it is to have a birth chart
Kundli shows the path that the native is going to follow. It also shows the qualities that the native has which include his/her personality, character, likes and dislikes etc.
Life is uncertain and we all try to find ways and means to deal with this uncertainty. Janam Kundli is the first step towards this.
In the Hindu community, Janam Kundli or Birth Chart plays a very important role in marriage. Kundli of these two individuals is matched to verify the compatibility that both would share.
Kundli online also gives us insight into various aspects of an individual's life such as career, finances, relationships and health.
A more detailed analysis can also be done with the help of Janam Kundli, in which specific field or field the native has a great chance of success.
Just like the way one can predict the successful part of an individual, with the help of his Janam Kundli one can predict the areas or specific times when the native may face setbacks or difficulties.
Honestly, almost everyone knows what a birth chart is and what its benefits are, but if you are one of the few who didn't know, the above information would be enough to give you a clear idea about Janam Kundli.
On this occasion, we will present an interesting incident where the birth chart proved useful. In a popular TV series called "Unsolved Mysteries", a kind of experiment was conducted to see how much of the truth about the birth chart could be proven to be legitimate. So what was done was that 4 birth charts of 4 criminals were taken and mixed with the birth charts of 10 other random citizens. So these 14 birth charts were given to an astrologer who was not aware of the identity of the people to whom these birth charts belonged. An astrologer was asked to study birth charts and predict who four possible criminals might be. As surprising and amazing as it may sound, the astrologer managed to find four criminals using birth charts.
As we have discussed above with the help of a birth chart, it is possible to predict the character traits of a person and the role he will play in the future.
Why is Kundali so important?
The kundli and birth chart is a visual representation of the movement and position of the planets and celestial bodies at the time and place of your birth. Kundali is prominent in many aspects of your life. It allows you to understand life in a very meaningful way. But how? So let's delve deeper into why and how Kundali is important for life.
Get ready to make smart decisions: With Janam Kundali's analysis, you can make smart decisions and excel in all aspects of life – marriage, career, love, finance, education and more.
Helps to refine a trait: Kundli analysis is like a small chart that mirrors and records all your inner and outer traits, qualities and downfalls. It can help you overcome unfavorable traits and enhance the traits you already have.
Helps to find the right match: From Janma Kundli one can also get insight into family, friends and love life. Again, you can get an overview of how good your relationship is with your family, how compatible two people are for marriage, whether friends will play a big role in your life in the future, etc.
Helps to remove all doshas: Through Janam Kundali analysis you will be able to know the dosha related to the aspect and remove it for a better life. A detailed Kundli can help you gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses in life, thereby giving you the opportunity to become a better person today, tomorrow and forever.
According to Vedic astrologers, Janam Kundali is the main tool of astrological science used to predict future events as opposed to the study of celestial bodies in the solar system using earth, human bodies, creatures, plants etc.
Here is why Janam Kundli in English is needed:
Understand and recognize your strengths and weaknesses.
- Online Janam Kundli reading allows you to predict your destination and can suggest your career choice according to your plans.
- It allows you to choose your life partner according to the characteristics of your life partners.
- It can alert you to worldly trades.
- Online Janam Kundli reading helps you get medicine and gemstones for your doshas from the best astrologers in India.
- Kundali emphasizes doshas like Mangal dosha and Kala Sarpa dosha so these doshas can be removed.
- Kundli also predicts favorable and unfavorable times in life.
Is Kundli Matching necessary in case of marriage?
Yes, love horoscopes give a clear picture of what a person's marriage and family life would look like. Based on the placement of the 7th lord (Marriage), 8th lord (Longevity of spouse), and 2nd house (Family life) the married life of the person will be predicted.
Marriage is the most auspicious and important event in a person's life. The overall success of the male primary depends on how happy one leads in family life regardless of status, earnings etc. So a hassle-free married life is everyone's wish.
What are the benefits of kundli reading for marriage?
- One of the auspicious benefits of kundli reading is that it helps in checking marriage similarities.
- After marriage, two individuals are believed to become one soul.
- Kundali Matching determines the nature, behavior and abilities of the partners.
- Gunas are essential to consider when marrying an ideal prospect. If a minimum of 18 points is achieved, the marriage is considered compatible.
- Kundali online matching also predicts the financial prospects of the marriage and distinguishes financial stability between them.
So overall we can safely say that having a Janam Kundli is like having a time machine which gives us a mode to glimpse our future and prepare us for it so that we can live in the present peacefully.