The world we live in has never been more unique than today. Generation Z has done what no generation up until now has been able to do – be original and creative in every way possible. 

The demand for individualism has never been so pronounced and we can see that in almost every sphere of life, including fashion. Which made us think about our own individuality and personal fashion identity.

Do you have a personal fashion style? You don’t, right? Well, why do you need one, and where and how can you get it? Let’s see.

What is personal style?

Personal style can be easily described as a way of expressing yourself through the clothes you wear. It’s when your values and personality reflect your clothing style, and how you feel in those clothes.

Discovering or creating your unique style can help you feel more confident. Regardless of how interested you are in fashion, curating a personal style can help you feel good and influence how you’re perceived. That’s why discovering or creating your personal style can be very significant.

So, let’s see how you can create your own unique fashion style.

  1. Start with your own closet

The first step towards creating your style should be looking in your own closet. This is an important step because it will help you identify which clothing you love, which makes you happy, and which you no longer like. 

Concentrate on the clothing that makes you happy and the clothing that you reach for the most. This is probably the clothing you wore to make you feel better, and more empowered. These are most likely the outfits that you had no trouble putting together or custom clothing you had made exactly for yourself.

Creating your unique style will help you feel more confident and clothing that you feel great in is a good starting point. 

  1. Determine how you want to show up 

The next step after going through your closet should be determining how you want to show up in the world. This means that you should think about how you want to be perceived by your friends, family, coworkers, clients, and other members of your community.

This step is crucial because it’s the basis for creating your personal fashion style. Use different adjectives to help you come up with a style description. For example, you want to be seen as confident, sophisticated, compassionate, and so on. These adjectives will lead you to find your inspiration.

  1. Find inspiration

There are no rules when it comes to looking for inspiration. You can look online, on runways, and even friends and family whose styles you admire can be a great fashion inspiration. Fashion blogs and magazines are still some of the best sources of inspiration. 

And of course, don’t forget Pinterest. You can even look for inspiration in nature and architecture if fashion is not something that inspires you.

At first, you’ll be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options. The key is to stick to the above-mentioned adjectives. Which styles scream confident, sophisticated, and compassionate to you? Once you find the inspiration you like, try researching different styles kinds. Knowing which styles you like, will be of great help. 

  1. Create a fashion mood board or visual guide

Now that you know who your fashion inspiration is, and you know how to identify different fashion styles, it’s time to make a mood board. A mood board is a great and fun way to visualize yourself in certain clothes and, ultimately, discover your personal style.

You can make a physical mood board or a digital one, that’s up to you. The point is to add images of clothes, celebrities, fashion shows, color palettes, art, and other things that inspire you. 

Once you make a mood board, you’ll be able to identify a common theme. It’s this theme that will lead you toward your unique style. Choose at least three inspirational images and keep them on your phone. These images will help you stay on track when shopping for clothing.

  1. Figure out your color palette

Another thing that the mood board will help you with is the color palette. Sometimes, choosing the right color palette is more complicated than it seems. Seeing the colors on the mood board will help you figure out which colors you like the most.

And knowing which colors appeal the most to you will make it easier to buy clothing you’ll want to wear. For example, if you like neutral colors, that might be a sign that you are drawn to classic fashion styles. Colors such as red, orange, hot pink, purple, and so on, indicate that you are attracted to bold fashion styles.

  1. Experiment with styles

Once you’ve done all the above, you won’t have any trouble creating your unique fashion style. However, don’t stop there. Knowing your personal style doesn’t mean that you can’t experiment. 

Quite the contrary - now’s the right time to mix and match, add different and unique pieces to your wardrobe, invest in custom clothing, mix in accessories, and so on. Personal style is ever-changing, it will change as you grow older. So, don’t be afraid to experiment.

There really is no right or wrong when it comes to creating your style. It’s all about how you feel about the clothes you wear. Don’t be afraid to experiment and discover new things, and styles. Don’t be afraid to experiment and change your mind. Personal style is a work in process, so make sure you have fun along the way.