How to Search for United Multi-City Flights

To start the process of booking tickets for United multi-city flights, you need to search for the available options. Follow these simple steps to find the best flight options for your multi-city itinerary:

  1. Visit the United Airlines official website or use their mobile app.
  2. On the homepage, locate the "Book Travel" section.
  3. Select the "Multi-city" option from the available flight search options.
  4. Enter your departure city and date, followed by your destination city and date for each leg of your journey.
  5. Specify the number of passengers and cabin class.
  6. Click on the "Search" button to see the available flights.

Choosing the Best Flights for Your Multi-City Itinerary

Once you've conducted a search for United multi-city flights, you'll be presented with a list of available options. Here's how you can narrow down your choices and select the best flights for your itinerary:

  1. Compare Prices and Flight Times

Take a close look at the prices and flight times for each leg of your journey. Consider factors such as layovers, total travel time, and departure/arrival times. Compare the options to find a balance between convenience and affordability.

  1. Check for Special Offers and Deals

United Airlines often offers special deals and promotions for multi-city itineraries. Look for any discounts or offers that may be applicable to your travel plans. These deals can help you save money and make your trip more budget-friendly.

  1. Review Seat Availability

If you have specific seat preferences or requirements, such as extra legroom or a window seat, check the seat availability for each flight. This way, you can choose flights that offer the seats you prefer, ensuring a comfortable journey.

  1. Consider Baggage Allowance

Make sure to review the baggage allowance for each flight. Different airlines may have varying baggage policies, and it's essential to know the restrictions beforehand. If you're planning to carry additional luggage or have any specific requirements, choose flights that accommodate your needs.

  1. Read Customer Reviews and Ratings

To get a sense of the overall customer experience, take the time to read reviews and ratings for the flights you're considering. This can provide valuable insights into factors like customer service, in-flight amenities, and overall satisfaction.

Booking Your United Multi-City Flights

Once you've selected the best flights for your multi-city itinerary, it's time to proceed with the booking process. Follow these steps to secure your tickets:

  1. Select the flights you want by clicking on the corresponding checkboxes.
  2. Review your selected flights and ensure that all the details are correct.
  3. Enter the required passenger information, including names, contact details, and any other necessary details.
  4. Choose any additional services or upgrades you may require, such as extra baggage or seat selection.
  5. Proceed to the payment page and enter your payment details.
  6. Review the booking summary one last time to ensure accuracy.
  7. Click on the "Confirm" or "Book Now" button to finalize your booking.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I change my itinerary after booking multi-city flights with United Airlines?

Yes, United Airlines allows changes to multi-city itineraries. However, changes may be subject to availability and applicable fees. It's advisable to review the airline's change policy or contact their customer service for more information.

Are there any restrictions on the number of destinations I can include in a United multi-city itinerary?

United Airlines does not impose a specific limit on the number of destinations you can include in a multi-city itinerary. However, keep in mind that each flight and leg of the journey will be subject to availability.

Can I earn frequent flyer miles on United multi-city flights?

Yes, you can earn frequent flyer miles when booking and flying on United multi-city flights. Make sure to enter your frequent flyer number during the booking process or provide it at check-in to ensure you receive your miles.

Does United Airlines offer travel insurance for multi-city flights?

Yes, United Airlines provides the option to purchase travel insurance during the booking process. It's recommended to consider travel insurance to protect your trip against unforeseen circumstances.

Can I book hotels and rental cars along with my United multi-city flights?

Yes, United Airlines offers the option to book hotels and rental cars as part of your travel itinerary. During the booking process, you can select additional services and choose from a range of accommodation and car rental options.

What should I do if I encounter any issues during the booking process?

If you encounter any issues or have questions during the booking process for United multi-city flights, it's best to contact United Airlines' customer service. They will be able to assist you and provide guidance to resolve any problems.


Booking tickets for United multi-city flights don't have to be a complicated process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily search for flights, choose the best options for your itinerary, and complete your booking with confidence. United Airlines' user-friendly website and helpful customer service ensure a smooth experience from start to finish. So, start planning your multi-city adventure with United Airlines today!