3 people tied for 2nd place! Coincidence at the World Aquatics Championships
In the men's 100m breaststroke, last year's 1st to 3rd place Martinengi, Kamingha, and Pink 'Joint Silver Medal'
At the 2023 Fukuoka World Swimming Championships men's 100m breaststroke awards ceremony, 온라인카지노
Three silver medalists were seated to the right of gold medalist Qin Haiyang (24, China).
It was different from the 'normal awards ceremony' where the gold medalist was placed in the middle, second place on the right, and third place on the left.
This is because in the 2023 Fukuoka World Aquatics Championships held at Marine Messe Fukuoka Hall in Fukuoka, Japan on the 24th,
An unusual situation was created in which three people tied for second place in the men's breaststroke 100m final.
On this day, Qin Haiyang won with a new Asian record of 57.69 seconds.
Following Yang Chin Hai, Nicolo Martinengi (23, Italy), Arno Camingha (23, Netherlands), and Nick Fink (30, USA) finished the race.
The moment the rankings and records were posted on the electronic display board, exclamations were heard in Fukuoka Hall.
Martinengi, Kamingha, and Pink tied for second place with the same time of 58 seconds and 72 seconds to 1/100th of a second.
Martinengi, who won last year's Budapest competition, and Kamingha and Pink, who came second and third, stood on the same podium this time.
At the World Aquatics Championships, 'co-medalists' appear quite often.
Brand Hayden (Canada) and Filippo Magnini (Italy) won the men's 100m freestyle at Melbourne, Australia in 2007,
Camille LaCourt and Jeremy Stravius (both France) in the men's 100m backstroke at Shanghai, China in 2011,
Aliaksandra Herassimenia (Belarus) and Jeanette Ottson (Denmark) won the joint gold medal in the women's 100m freestyle.
However, it is unusual for three people to receive medals of the same color.
Prior to this event, there was only one 'three medalists of the same color'.
In the women's 200m breaststroke at the 2015 Kazan Games, Ricky Pederson (Denmark), Shi Jinlin (China), and Jessica Beal (Spain) tied for third place.
For the first time in 8 years, 3 people won a silver medal together in Fukuoka.
In the previous competition, an even more staggering coincidence in which three players with different gold, silver, and bronze medals tied for second place surprised swimming fans.