When it comes to taking care of your teeth, you need to make sure that you also give some attention to the gums. When the gums are healthy and taken care of, you will have a healthy smile that can last forever. But there are a number of different problems and issues that may show up in the gums, making it hard to know how to make them better. Some of the most common gum problems include:

# Gingivitis: This is inflammation that occurs in the gums. You may notice it through red gums, gums that look swollen, and bleeding of the gums when you brush your teeth. Healthy gums should not bleed when you touch them, are coral-pink, and generally appear firm. If they are starting to show some of the other signs, then it is time to get into a dentist.

# Periodontal disease: The signs of periodontal disease are similar to gingivitis, but they go a bit deeper into the gum tissue and can result in jawbone loss. This can be concerning because you will not be able to get these back. It can progress over time and could be advanced before the patient notices any signs.

# Gum recession: This is when the root of the tooth starts to become exposed because the gum line is pulling back. This is sometimes due to gum disease as the jawbone that is near the teeth starts to get lost. This is common with teeth grinding, brushing too aggressively, and chewing tobacco.

# Gum abscess: This is when a bump or a blister shows up on the gums and has pus. It is usually a bacterial infection that can cause swelling and pain and you will need to find a dentist to take care of the problem.

# Oral cancer: This can include in all soft-tissue structures within the mouth. You may notice it as a white or red patch or a sore that will not heal in the mouth. Going to regular dental cleanings is one of the best ways to check for oral cancer and get it checked out as soon as possible.


It is important that you take good care of your gums, and one of the steps you can take to make this happen is dental cleanings. Your dentist will be able to schedule these one to two times a year for you, giving your mouth the overall cleaning it is looking for each time. Our team is here to take good care of your teeth, ensuring that the gums and the teeth are in good working order for years to come. Schedule an appointment with our offices today!