For those who use a wheelchair or have limited mobility, finding an accessible apartment can be more than just a convenience—it's a necessity. The perfect home should be a place where you can move freely and comfortably. But with architectural barriers prevalent in many buildings, how does one identify a truly wheelchair-accessible apartment? Here's a guide to help you in your quest.


Begin with the Basics: Door Widths and Hallways

First and foremost, the apartment should have doors wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair, usually at least 32 inches wide. Hallways should also be spacious to allow for easy navigation. This ensures that all rooms in the apartment are easily accessible.


Ramp Availability and Elevators

If the apartment in Oviedo isn't on the ground floor, the building needs to have an elevator. Also, any entrance steps should be accompanied by a ramp with a gentle incline. It's not just about being able to enter the building but also being able to access all its amenities.


Flooring Matters

Carpeting can be a challenge for wheelchair users. Look for apartments with hardwood, tile, or low-pile carpeting. These types of flooring offer less resistance and are easier for wheelchairs to maneuver on.


Accessible Bathroom Features

The bathroom can pose the most challenges. Look for features such as roll-in showers, grab bars, and wheelchair-accessible sinks. The toilet should be at a height that's convenient for transfer from a wheelchair.


Kitchen Accessibility

Wheelchair users should be able to prepare meals without hindrance. This means lower countertops and accessible appliances. Pull-out shelves and front-facing controls on ovens and stoves are also useful features.


Open Floor Plans

Open floor plans not only give a sense of space but are also easier for wheelchair users to navigate. Without unnecessary walls or barriers, it's easier to move from one area to another.


Parking and Transportation

If you have a vehicle, ensure that there are designated accessible parking spaces close to the building entrance. If you rely on public transportation, check the proximity to wheelchair-accessible transit options.


Future Adjustments and Modifications

Sometimes, an apartment might meet most but not all of your needs. In such cases, it's essential to talk to the landlord about possible modifications. Some landlords might be open to making adjustments or allowing you to make them.


Reviews and Recommendations

Talk to current or past tenants, if possible. Their firsthand experience can give you insights that a simple tour might miss. Online reviews and forums can also be valuable resources.