We have heard time and again that CONTENT is KING. If you do not have quality content on your website no one is going to come to it. The content is the life blood of your website. Michigan website design companies good content you cannot have a successful business online. All these are undisputable facts. However there is also the matter of the other elements that make up the website design which need to be considered just as carefully as you would consider the content. Let us take a look at what these other elements are and how you can get them right on your own website.

Make it Easy to Use

The web design development experts generally feel that in enthusiasm about creating a unique website many website development professionals tend to forget about easy navigation around the site for the visitors. If there are multiple pages in the website it becomes critical to monitor links to all the pages from each and every page. There is nothing quite as frustrating for a prospective customer as a hyperlink that does not work.

Link Properly and Test the Links

So check and then double check that all the pages are linked and that each of the links is working as well. Make the links easily visible. You can use the side widget bar to display them or display them at the top of the page in a line or even at the bottom of the page. Many sites use a combination of different link placements on their web pages. Of course you can over do the links as well so watch out for going overboard there.

Don't Jar the Eye

The use of colour to stand out in the world of similar looking websites is a good idea. However it is not a good idea to use so much colour that a person wants to run for their sun glasses. It is best to make neutral shades of white, grey, brown or black your basic colours as per web design rules. The other colours should be used to enhance features that you wish the traffic coming to your site to see in detail. They should not jar the eye of the visitor to the site.

What Colours to Use and Where

The use of warm colours such as red, yellow, orange or pink should be done in moderation, especially if you have a section which needs attention drawn to in the web page. For instance use the warm shades and colours to highlight some one-time sale that your website is offering at a fantastic discount. By making the whole page that bright there will be no area that the visitor will be drawn to focus on. In a similar manner use cool colours such as blue, green and purple to accentuate regular offers that your website tends to offer all year round. Since the colour blue is so closely associated with a hyperlink use this to accentuate an offer that you make. It is far more likely to be clicked and accessed by your visitor than any other shade.