Himalayan Selenite Crystals

Himalayan Selenite is a type of gypsum crystal that is prized for its beautiful, luminous appearance and its powerful metaphysical properties. This crystal is believed to have a number of healing properties, including the ability to promote mental clarity, enhance intuition, and improve spiritual connection.

Selenite is also thought to have a cleansing effect, both on the body and the environment, making it a popular choice for spiritual and energy healers. In addition to its metaphysical properties, Selenite is also used in a variety of decorative applications, such as jewelry, home décor, and meditation aids.

One of the most popular uses of Himalayan Selenite is in healing and meditation. This crystal is believed to help clear negative energy and promote a sense of calm and balance, making it a great choice for those looking to reduce stress and anxiety.

Selenite can be used in a variety of ways, such as placing it under a pillow to promote restful sleep, carrying it in a pocket or purse for protection, or using it in a crystal grid for specific healing purposes.

With its beautiful appearance and powerful metaphysical properties, Selenite is a popular choice for those looking to enhance their spiritual and emotional wellbeing. https://www.himalayancrystal.co.uk/