White Sumatra is a white vein mitragyna speciosa strain that has a high mitragynine content and a rich earthy smell. The color of White Sumatra is a much brighter shade of green than its red and green vein counterparts, making for a striking appearance in comparison. Many kratom enthusiasts are beginning to take notice of White Sumatra due to its unique characteristics and alkaloid content.


White Sumatra Kratom Powder is well known for its alkaloid content and overall balance. If you are a beginner this kratom strain is a good starting point for you. It originates from the Sumatra islands in Southeast Asia.


Where Does White Sumatra Kratom Originate?


White Sumatra is grown, harvested, and originates from the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The humid, tropical climate allows for better growing conditions than many other locations.


How Is White Sumatra Kratom Made?


White Sumatra kratom is made like other kratom strains. It is harvested at the early stage from the Mitragyna Speciosa trees. Then it goes through the drying process in which alkaloid content becomes most potent and later crushed into the powder.


The white Sumatra kratom powder can be used to create capsules, tinctures, or extracts. 


Why Buy White Sumatra Kratom  From Simple Botanical?


  • 100% Mitragyna Speciosa. No additives or fillers.
  • We only sell high-quality, premium kratom.
  • All of our kratoms are organically grown free of pesticides.
  • Every order of $60+ is eligible for free shipping.


All of our white kratom powders are batch lab tested on a regular basis to verify that it is pure unadulterated Mitragyna Speciosa & for mitragynine/alkaloid content. We source our kratom from sustainable farms throughout Southeast Asia. Every strain is ethically grown & harvested. We make no claims regarding our kratom. No directions for use, please see our disclaimer below for more info.


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