What is Fildena 150?

Fildena 150 is a successful treatment for male sexual problems like Erectile dysfunction (ED).

Men find it trying to acquire and support an erection under this condition.

Sildenafil Citrate is the essential component of this drug.

Fortune Medical Care delivers this prescription.

Use of Fildena 150

Fildena 150 mg is a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction in men.

Frequently known as ineptitude, ED is a male failure to get and keep an erection during sex.

This prescription loosens up the penile muscles and further develops erections.

Sildenafil, the fundamental fixing in this medication, is likewise used to treat Pneumonic Hypertension.

It is a coronary illness wherein the pulse inside the supply routes is higher than ordinary.

How does Fildena 150 work?

For a solid erection, a significant bloodstream to the penis is vital.

Low blood levels in the penis are one of the main ED-causing factors.

Fildena 150 loosens up penile muscles and further develops the bloodstream.

It likewise controls the Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) protein in the penis.

PDE5 turns the penis limp not long after discharge. This makes getting an erection substantially more troublesome.

This drug stops this action and helps in the treatment of weakness.

How to take Fildena 150?

Take the pill entirely without a moment's delay. Try not to pulverize, crunch, or break the tablet.

This medicine is compelling whether taken while starving or with food.

Take something like one pill at regular intervals. Going too far is conceivable if you take more than the suggested dose.


Fildena 150mg is just accessible with a solution. Take medication precisely as coordinated by your primary care physician.

You ought to take this medication somewhere in the range of 30 and a before participating in sexual action.

  • Missed dose

Take the missed dose of this drug when you recollect.

Assuming your next arranged dose is soon, avoid the one you missed.

  • Overdose

Gluts are conceivable assuming you take more than one tablet consistently.

Accordingly, you ought to restrict yourself to one tablet every day.

Assuming you erroneously take an excess, look for clinical consideration right away.

It will guard you from any further outcomes.


Fildena is accessible in various measurements, including:

  • Fildena 25 mg
  • Fildena 50 mg
  • Fildena 100 mg
  • Fildena 120 mg
  • Fildena CT 50 mg
  • Fildena XXX 100 mg
  • Fildena CT 100 mg
  • Fildena 200 mg
  • Fildena Super Active 100 mg

Side effects

This medication might cause the accompanying incidental effects, which range from normal to strange:

  • Nose clog
  • Spinal pain
  • Priapism
  • Wooziness
  • Cerebral pain
  • Stomach hurt
  • Flushing
  • Breathing issues
  • Unusual heartbeat
  • Serious ringing in the ears

If you experience a hypersensitive response or Priapism (a drawn-out erection), stand out enough to be noticed right away.


This prescription may not cooperate well for certain circumstances, different drugs, or food sources.

Before you take Fildena 150, converse with your doctor about your well-being history and the medications you are on as of now.

Drug Interaction

Fildena 150mg has been connected to the accompanying prescription collaborations:

  • Alpha-blockers
  • Anti-microbial
  • Antifungal medicines
  • Nitrates
  • HIV/Helps medicine
  • Other ED drugs
  • Hepatitis C infection protease inhibitors

Infection Interaction

You shouldn't accept 150 mg of Fildena assuming you have any of the accompanying ailments:

  • Drawn out QT stretch
  • Kidney issues
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Issues of seizure
  • Priapism
  • Pigmentosa Retinitis
  • Liver sickness
  • Hearing weakness

Food Interaction

This medication might be impacted by cocktails and grapefruit juice.

On the off chance that you polish off these beverages, the degree of Sildenafil in your blood might increment.

Thus, you ought to abstain from consuming these drinks while taking Fildena 150 mg.

These refreshments might deteriorate the impact of this drug.

Precautionary measures

Before taking this prescription, kindly remember the accompanying precautionary measures:

Assuming that you have an aversion to Sildenafil Citrate or some other ED medication, don't utilize 150 mg of Fildena

Guys under 18 years old shouldn't utilize this drug

Try not to start or quit utilizing this medication without first reaching a specialist

This item isn't suggested for female patients. A specialist might endorse Sildenafil containing Fildena to women

Since this medication can make you languid and mixed up, abstaining from actually requesting assignments like driving is ideal


Fildena pills ought to be kept in a top-shut compartment at room temperature.

Get them far from direct daylight, intensity, and moistness.

Get youngsters far from this prescription.


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